Метка: богатство

The Maid of Orleans Орлеанская дева

While, the famous Jeanne d’Ark is the national heroine of France, who changed the course of the Hundred Years’ War. В то время как, знаменитая Жанна д’Арк – национальная героиня Франции, которая изменила ход Столетней войны. First of all, her faithful companions helped her in this, one of whom turned out to be a pedophile […]

Material profit Материальная прибыль

Rather, this picture has already brought material profit to many — now it’s your turn! Вернее, эта картинка уже многим принесла материальную прибыль — теперь Ваша очередь! For the reason of how it works, it is unknown, but if you click “I like ” and “Share”, then you have opportunities for an ever-growing income, changes […]