In addition, the translation of the titles of poems performed to music and video.
Кроме того, перевод титров стихов, исполняемых под музыку и видео.
- Table, bread box, salt shaker, kettle,
- A cat sleeps on the refrigerator,
- And time slows down,
- Gets up, goes the other way around,
- The cat is the boss of time here.
- Seven and a half square meters
- So many secrets have a simple shelter,
- And here they sing, eat and drink
- No worse than famous masters.
- Changing the look of the interior
- Clamp, tampon, curtain rod, curtain,
- Here is a shelf, and there is a keychain
- And the staff of the ancients. Corner,
- You stay the same
- Human living by the stage.
- There is a riot of young gatherings here
- I changed the leisurely conversation,
- But you still remember everything
- The madness of mischievous pranks.
- And how many smells were there
- Under this old ceiling.
- You were full, and then
- I absorbed the spirit of that delicious life.
- Now it’s just Memories
- They live behind a gas stove,
- Yes, I’m simple with a guitar
- , I’ll come sometimes with a glass of wine
- To stay here, Vyatka suffering.
- My furry friend is purring,
- I realized a long time ago
- To start the arrows again, the window
- We need to open more often!
Moreover, the group “Ode to the kitchen, lyrics» from VK from the YouTobe channel from the Useful Positive presents text, music and video.
Более того, группа “Ода кухне, лирика” из ВК с YouTobe-канала из Полезный позитив представляет текст, музыку и видео.