День: 31.12.2022

Happy New Year 2023 С Новым 2023 Годом

Of course, listen to Putin’s congratulations here in the video. Безусловно, поздравление Путина слушайте здесь в видеоролике. https://www.1tv.ru/shows/novyy-god-2023/novogodnyaya-noch/novogodnee-obrashenie-prezidenta-vladimira-putina-31-12-2022 Moreover, the information and the photo are provided from the News on the Internet. Более того, информация и фотография предоставлена из Новостей в Интернете. https://vk.com/v.denisov1963

Earthquake protection Защита от землетрясений

Recently, French scientists have discovered that wildlife can withstand the destructive force of earthquakes much more effectively than the human race. She has a reliable protection from this natural disaster — mangrove forests. These communities, dying off, form interesting underground pillows capable of extinguishing the most powerful vibrations of the earth’s firmament. Недавно французские ученые […]