Метка: биология

The use of seasonings Польза приправ

Perhaps you knew about such benefits of seasonings from seeds and leaves. Возможно, вы знали о такой пользе приправ из семян и листьев. Cinnamon Корица Black and red pepper Чёрный и красный перец Turmeric Куркума Cumin Тмин Bay leaf and cloves Лавровый лист и гвоздика Vanilla Ваниль Of course, the picture is borrowed from the […]

Garbage created forests Мусор создал леса

Rather, garbage created forests in the middle of swamps. Вернее, мусор создал леса посреди болот. Therefore, biologists from Canada have found that garbage left by people can sometimes increase the biological diversity of natural ecosystems, and in some cases even contribute to the formation of unique natural communities. Поэтому, биологи из Канады установили, что мусор, […]