Метка: наука

Life-prolonging food! Пища, продлевающая жизнь!

First of all, the best blood sugar stabilizer is raspberries! Прежде всего, лучший стабилизатор сахара в крови — малина! Also, protection against bowel cancer — green or white tea! Также, защита от рака кишечника — зеленый или белый чай! On the other hand, skin protection is a carrot! С другой стороны, защита кожи — морковка! […]

Tragic space debris Трагичный космический мусор

First of all, the catastrophic consequences Прежде всего, катастрофические последствия Therefore, by tracking large pieces of debris whose diameter exceeds ten centimeters, space engineers identify potentially dangerous objects among them, and having information about the trajectory of a particular “artificial meteorite”, the onboard systems of the spacecraft can decide to perform a maneuver. Поэтому, отслеживая […]

Under the Greenland ice Подо льдом Гренландии

It is noteworthy that an intact prehistoric archive has been discovered under the ice of Greenland. Примечательно, подо льдом Гренландии обнаружен неповрежденный доисторический архив. Dystoric Archive Дисторический архив Surprise Сюрприз Rather, firn is densely packed, granular and partially recrystallized, usually perennial snow, more precisely, an intermediate stage between snow and glacier ice. Вернее, фирн — […]

Bacteria and oxygen Бактерии и кислород

It is noteworthy that the bacteria poisoned the Earth with oxygen. Примечательно, бактерии отравили Землю кислородом. Many of us, coming out of the stuffy workroom into the street in the evening, breathe in the fresh air of twilight with pleasure. Such a thing would hardly have been possible 4 billion years ago. Because the composition […]

Human stupidity Человеческая глупость

First of all, can science explain human stupidity, and if we are so smart, then why do we do so many stupid things? Прежде всего, может ли наука объяснить человеческую глупость, а если мы такие умные, то почему делаем так много глупостей? It seems that the answer to this question is based on quantum physics. […]

Garbage created forests Мусор создал леса

Rather, garbage created forests in the middle of swamps. Вернее, мусор создал леса посреди болот. Therefore, biologists from Canada have found that garbage left by people can sometimes increase the biological diversity of natural ecosystems, and in some cases even contribute to the formation of unique natural communities. Поэтому, биологи из Канады установили, что мусор, […]